About Us

Who We Are
We are Kepu Kepu Reporters,  a quality, national, news platform with credible and dependable information.  Not beholden to any interest group. Loyalty is to the nation.

To be Nigeria’s Daily News Channel of the first choice among discerning readers.

Our Mission

* To provide the general public with information they need to be free and self-governing in a democratic society.

* To vigorously champion a return to fundamental principles of federalism, believing that it is the arrangement that can best advance the multifarious interests of citizens in a country of many nations and faiths such as Nigeria.

* To serve as an independent monitor of power and hold those entrusted with its exercise accountable.

Our Cardinal Principles
•    Freedom
•    Justice
•    Market Economy

Our Target Audience
•    Business and political elite.
•    The affluent, the educated, those in leadership positions in all spheres of life; the upwardly mobile, policymakers.
•    Those in the B & A segments of society.

Our Focus

•    Business and Economy
•    Public Policies
•    The Democratic Process and Institutions of Democracy
•    Sports
•    Arts & Culture
•    Fashion & Lifestyle
•    World Affairs
•    Education, Health, Law
•    Commentaries